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How to Stop Cavity from Growing
06 Nov

Imagine, it’s an extremely cold evening. You take a drink of your favourite hot chocolate and then suddenly feel discomfort all over your body. The irritating cavity has built again. What if you could slow it down or even turn it around? Let’s explore this mysterious world and discover how to heal cavities.

The Culprit Behind Cavities: Causes Unearthed

Bacteria are everywhere in our mouths, some of them beneficial and some of them not. Cavities or dental caries occur when specific bacteria produce acids that destroy the enamel, the outer layer of our teeth. Major culprits are:

  • Frequent Snacking: Especially on sweet foods or beverages. Each sweet bite or drink triggers a 20-minute acid attack on the enamel.
  • Poor Dental Hygiene: When brushing and flossing are neglected, food particles remain, providing germs with a sumptuous feast.
  • Dry Mouth: Saliva neutralises bacterial acid apart from being used for digestion. Less saliva increases the risk of cavities.
  • Acidic Foods: Acidic foods like citrus fruits, coffee, and carbonated beverages can erode the enamel over time, making cavities more likely to develop.
  • Receding Gums: Receding gums can expose delicate tooth roots to plaque due to ageing, harsh brushing, or gum disease.

home remedies to prevent cavities

Nature’s Pharmacy: Home Remedies to Combat Cavities

Consider these home remedies to enhance oral health before rushing to the dental clinic:

  • Oil Pulling: Oil pulling is a form of traditional Indian medicine that involves swishing coconut or sesame oil around the mouth to remove bacteria.
  • Saltwater Rinses: Along with adding flavour to our meals, salt’s antibacterial properties can reduce bacteria and calm swollen gums.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is well-known for its antibacterial properties, which can be a nemesis for bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Green Tea: Green tea’s fluoride and tannin levels may prevent the growth of germs. And it also freshens breath!
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is crucial for oral health as well as general wellness. Calcium absorption is aided by vitamin D, which is necessary for healthy teeth.

Although helpful, these remedies to how to heal cavities can’t take the place of expert dental evaluations and procedures.

Beyond the Home: Clinical Procedures to Bid Adieu to Cavities

Advanced cavities require expert care. Let’s discover what to expect at a dental clinic run by professionals:

  • Dental Fillings: In this process, of cavity filling with materials like composite resin or amalgam after the decaying area removal.
  • Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride treatments can revitalise enamel in its early phases, perhaps reversing the cavity.
  • Crowns: A crown can restore a tooth’s shape and function when a cavity weakens its structural integrity.
  • Root Canals: A root canal removes the injured pulp, securing the tooth, when decay enters the pulp’s inner sanctum.
  • Sealants: In order to prevent cavities in these difficult-to-reach locations, sealants are placed on the chewing surfaces of rear teeth.
  • Professional Cleanings: By removing tartar or hardened plaque on a regular basis, damage to teeth can be avoided.

Lifestyle Tweaks: Crafting a Cavity-Resistant Life

Many things are essential other than a regular brush-floss routine for healthy teeth. These changes in lifestyle for strong dental health include the following:

  • Mindful Eating: Eat wisely and avoid sugary foods. Consider tooth buddies like cheese, fresh fruit, leafy greens, and unflavored drinks.
  • Hydration: Cavities are less likely to thrive in a wet mouth. Water after meals helps in rinsing away sugars and food particles.
  • Regular Dental Visits: Regular check-ups aid in early detection, preventing the escalation of minor disorders.
  • Sugar-free Gum: Increased salivation helps to wash out and neutralise toxic acids.
  • Replace Toothbrush: Replace your toothbrush after a period because a used toothbrush is ineffective. Replace it every three to four months or after a sickness.
  • Avoid Tobacco: Tobacco, whether chewed or smoked, produces an environment where bacteria flourish, increasing the risk of cavities.

Concluding with a Smile: Trust Elite Dental for Your Cavity Concerns

Elite Dental stands out as a light of trust and competency in the field of professional dental clinic in Kochi. They make sure that every cavity, no matter how big or tiny, is treated with accuracy and care by utilising cutting-edge facilities, seasoned professionals, and a caring approach.

Ultimately, despite their scary nature, cavities are defeatable. You can make sure that your smile stays radiant, healthy, and cavity-free by using a combination of home remedies, professional treatments, and preventative measures. If you need more clarification, keep in mind that Elite Dental is ready to help you through your dental journey and is only a phone call away.


  1. Can I really reverse a cavity at home with natural remedies?

Ans. While some home remedies, such as oil pulling, salt water rinses, and aloe vera gel, may aid in lowering bacterial activity and easing gum irritation, they are typically more successful in preventing cavities or treating them in their very first stages. To stop the growth of advanced cavities, skilled dental intervention is necessary.

  1. Is it possible to heal a cavity without dental fillings or treatments?

Ans. Fluoride treatments can remineralize the enamel and reverse some conditions, including very early-stage cavities. A cavity, however, cannot be completely cured without dental fillings or other medical activities if it has grown past a certain stage. For an accurate diagnosis and the best treatment, you must see a dentist.

  1. How often should I visit the dentist for check-ups?

Ans. For maintaining good oral health and identifying cavities or other dental disorders early, routine dental check-ups are crucial. Regular check-ups and cleanings at the dentist should be done every six months. However, depending on your particular oral health requirements, your dentist might advise more frequent visits.

  1. Are sugar-free gums effective in preventing cavities?

Ans. Sugar-free gum, particularly xylitol-containing varieties, can be good for your teeth. Sugar-free gum encourages salivation, which helps wash away food particles and neutralise acids. It can be a helpful supplement to routine dental care and a cavity prevention method, but it shouldn’t take the place of brushing, flossing, or going to the dentist on a regular basis.

  1. Can I prevent cavities solely by brushing and flossing regularly?

Ans. Regular brushing and flossing are essential for preserving dental health and avoiding cavities, but they are only one component of a complete oral care routine. The best way to prevent cavities is to eat a balanced diet, avoid sugary foods and drinks, remain hydrated, and schedule routine dental check-ups and cleanings. Together, these efforts contribute to total cavity prevention and ideal dental health.

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