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Wisdom Teeth Symptoms That Indicate Time Extraction
31 Jan

Wisdom Teeth Symptoms That Indicate Time Extraction

Do you feel a sudden pain or discomfort at the back of your mouth? You must be wondering what the possible reason could be, isn’t it? The reason is the sudden rise of the wisdom teeth in your mouth.

Often called as third molars, you will feel the wisdom teeth pain if they are not growing properly. We will discuss the possible reasons why wisdom teeth need to be removed, the symptoms you must look out for and signs you must need to get your wisdom teeth removed. So, let us begin our journey.

What are Wisdom Teeth and Why Do We Have Them?

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. They typically emerge among individuals aged between 17 and 25. They served a useful purpose for our ancestors because they required extra chewing power for tough diets like nuts and raw meat.

However, with the evolution of human jaws, there is no room for these late bloomers. It is because the jawline has become smaller with the passage of time. The team of Elite Dental Studio, the best dental clinic in Kochistates that the teeth must be extracted as soon as possible.

Common Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Problem

You can expect that not all patients experience the Wisdom Teeth SymptomsBut the real issue starts when the problems start arising. It definitely becomes hard to ignore them. Some of the common symptoms that we all experience are:

  • Pain or Discomfort at The Back of Your Mouth

You will feel mild soreness to intense and throbbing pain at the back of your mouth. It can become unbearable.

  • Swollen or Tender Gums

You can expect infection or irritation when you witness red and swollen gums around the wisdom teeth. It often leaves you helpless.

  • Jaw Stiffness or Pain

You will experience stiffness or discomfort as your impacted wisdom teeth can press against the jawbone. It can prove to be seriously painful at times.

  • Unpleasant Taste or Bad Breath

It’s time for you to visit the Elite Dental Studio if you are affected by the bad breath issue. It is a sign of infection that arises due to trapped food or bacterial presence in your mouth.

  • Difficulty Opening Your Mouth

You won’t be able to fully open your mouth because of the swelling or infection around your wisdom teeth.

signs you might need wisdom teeth removal 

Signs You Might Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

It is crucial for you to see the dentist if you are facing any of the following symptoms. Here are the clear signs that you might need to undergo wisdom teeth removalThe signs are:

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth become trapped or impacted under the gum when they don’t have enough space to emerge. It often leads to:

  • Gum Infections
  • Severe Pain
  • Damage to Nearby Teeth


The alignment of your teeth gets disrupted as wisdom teeth can push against your teeth. It often causes them to shift. It is a worrisome situation if you have undergone orthodontic treatment.

Persistent Pain

It is the perfect time for you to visit the best dental clinic in Calicut if you are experiencing constant pain around your wisdom teeth and consuming over-the-counter medications is also not providing you with any relief.

Cavities or Gum Disease

Cleaning the partially erupted wisdom teeth is hard. That’s why they become a hotspot for gum infections and cavities.

What Happens If You Ignore The Wisdom Teeth Issues?

We all have the tendency to ignore the wisdom teeth symptoms. But what we don’t know is it can lead to serious complications like:

  • Infections

You will face the issue of recurring gum infections also known as pericoronitis because of the impacted wisdom teeth.

  • Damage to Other Teeth

Our impacted wisdom teeth can damage the adjacent molars with their pressure.

  • Cysts or Tumors

There are instances where the impacted wisdom teeth often lead to cyst formation. It can damage our jawbone.

  • Chronic Pain

It is necessary to get wisdom teeth treated otherwise it can result in long-term headache and discomfort.

That’s why it is necessary to address the problem before it is too late!

How Elite Dental Studio Can Help?

We at Elite Dental Studio, one of the leading dental clinic in Kannurhave a team of experienced professionals who specialize in wisdom teeth removal. We are renowned for offering our patients with safe and effective solutions tailored to your needs.

Wrapping Up

Don’t allow the wisdom teeth to disrupt your life. We at Elite Dental Studio, the best dentist in Kochi can help you get rid of swelling, persistent pain, and alignment issues. We are your trusted partner for all your dental issues.

It is time for you to say goodbye to your wisdom teeth pain and welcome a healthier smile!


How do I know if my wisdom teeth need to be removed?

If you’re experiencing pain, swelling, or infections around your wisdom teeth, it’s a strong sign they may need removal. Visit your dentist for an evaluation.

Is wisdom teeth removal painful?

The procedure itself isn’t painful because it’s done under local anesthesia or sedation. You might experience mild discomfort during recovery, but it’s manageable with medication.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth extraction?

Most people recover within 7 to 10 days. Swelling and discomfort typically subside after 2-3 days.

What can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?

Stick to soft foods like soups, smoothies, and mashed potatoes for the first few days. Avoid hard, spicy, or hot foods that could irritate the area.

Can wisdom teeth cause headaches?

Yes, impacted wisdom teeth can cause headaches due to pressure on the jaw and surrounding nerves.

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